Map 07 – Westport

McAndrews Road – North Shore Road

A longish section of flattish road and trail leads to the west end of Westport Sand Lake. A steep ascent up leads to a ridge walk with impressive views of the lake, especially from Bob’s Lookout. An even steeper descent brings one down into Westport. Rest at Lion’s Club Beach before climbing again up Foley Mountain and the wonderful views from Spy Rock. Continue on undulating trail before exiting on to the North Shore Road.

Trail Alerts


    The area immediately East of RT 07C is currently a live hunting area. Effective immediately, Sep 16 2024, the trail between RT 07C and the turn off for Old Bob’s Lookout (just West of RT 07D/Lions’ Club Beach) is closed until January 1, 2025. Hiking between RT 07D/Lions Club Beach and Old Bob’s Lookout, including…

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