Welcome to the Rideau Trail Alerts Page

Remember to always check trail alerts before hiking on the Rideau Trail. This page is maintained by RTA trail maintenance volunteers and relies on contributions from hikers like you.

We want to hear from you

Take part in maintaining the Rideau Trail and report a hazard by submitting a trail report below on trail hazards or other information.

RTA Policy on Hiking During Hunting Season

During the various hunting seasons that take place in Ontario between Oct 1st and Dec 31st, it is preferred that hikes be conducted in Provincial Parks, Conservation Areas, and public areas. During the portion of deer hunting season where the use of rifles is permitted, all privately owned areas of the RTA trails are closed.  For the other portions of hunting season hikes may continue in other areas as long as hike leaders/hikers do the following:

  • Check the Trail Alerts portion of the RTA website to ensure that where you plan on hiking has not been officially closed.
  • Wear bright/easily visible clothing.
  • Look for any signs indicating that an area is closed or that hunting is ongoing AND DO NOT PROCEED IF THERE ARE SIGNS!
  • Look for any evidence that hunters are in the area and leave that area if there is such evidence.
  • Do not leave the trail.

If you do find areas where hunting is taking place that are not covered in the Trail Alerts, then please advise the RTA Trail Coordinator at trailcoordinator@rideautrail.org

Important: Closure information is updated as frequently as possible but may not be fully up to date.

Trail Alerts

Alerts are sorted by date. Active alerts can also be found on each map page. View the maps page.

  • Temporary Trail Closure Lime Kilns Blue Loop 18B to 18BA

    Temporary Trail Closure Lime Kilns Blue Loop 18B to 18BA

    December 21, 2023 to February 28, 2024.

    A section of the Lime Kilns blue loop is closed by NCC for construction between 18B and 18BA.  The parking lot P10 (18BA) is also closed.  There is further information about this at the NCC site:  https://ncc-ccn.gc.ca/closures/partial-closure-of-stony-swamp-parking-lots-and-trails-from-december-4-2023-to-june-30-2024

  • Kingston Sewer Line

    After 30 months, the sewer line construction is complete and the temporary trail diversion between Queen Mary Rd (South end) and the junction of Parkway Rd and Princess Street (North end) has now been removed.  Map 1 has been updated back to the original route.

  • Temporary diversion due to LRT construction

    There is a temporary Trail Diversion in place between 19D and 19E due to LRT construction. The Detour will take you off the parkway trail down to the Westboro beach and under the Kichi Zibi Mikan Parkway (Sir John A Mcdonald) renamed this year. It takes residential roads  (Lanark Ave and Churchhill Ave) to a culdesac which allows you to join up with a trail (paved) east to the intersection of Kichi Zibi Mikan and Island Park. Cross at the lights and head north back to the trail along the river.   It is about 1 Km longer, but safe and there are trail detour markers along the way.  This Alert will be removed when construction is complete, but at present the duration is unknown.

  • RTA Trail Closure for hunting 6-19 Nov 2023 – All privately owned areas

    For safety reasons the private property sections of RTA trails are closed for the rifle hunting season, 6-19 November 2023. Only hikes that are conducted in Provincial Parks, Conservation Areas, public areas and confirmed areas where there is no hunting are permitted. Through hikes of the entire trail should NOT be undertaken in this time frame.  Further details about hiking in the hunting season (1 Oct – 31 Dec) can be found at the top of the trail alerts page.

  • Temporary Rerouting RT19G to 19H

    Due to ongoing work by the NCC to improve the area, there will be ongoing temporary rerouting, and possible closures, to this part of the trail. The information below is from the NCC website:

    The National Capital Commission (NCC) and federal partners began work on numerous projects along the Ottawa River Pathway on June 8, 2022. Undertaking these work requires the closure of sections of the Ottawa River Pathway behind Parliament Hill, from June 2022 to fall 2024.

    Information about the affected pathway sections and closure dates is provided below.

    Closure map
    Closure map

    West section: Portage Bridge to Cliff heating and cooling plant (June to spring 2023)

    Part of PSPC’s Energy Services Acquisition Program (ESAP) to modernize energy systems, this project will involve the closure of the Ottawa River Pathway from Portage Bridge to the Cliff heating and cooling plant, from June 2022 to the spring of 2023.

    Centre west section: Supreme Court escarpment (June 2022 to winter 2023)

    PSPC will be working to stabilize the escarpment behind the Supreme Court of Canada, as well as remove the tunnel on the pathway. This work will require the closure of a section of the Ottawa River Pathway behind the Supreme Court from June 2022 to winter 2023, with the escarpment project taking place from spring 2023 to winter 2023.

    East section: Parliament Hill escarpment (winter 2023 to fall 2024)

    The NCC is currently in the process of planning for the rehabilitation of the escarpment directly behind Parliament Hill, immediately next to the Ottawa River Pathway, as flooding in 2019 significantly damaged the toe of the escarpment. The Ottawa River Pathway behind Parliament Hill, from the Rideau Canal to the Pitt parking lot (just east of the Supreme Court of Canada), will remain open open until the project gets underway in winter 2023.

    We will attempt to update this alert with specific reroute information, as and when such information becomes available.

    Map 19

  • Significant Reroute Map 8

    Due to unhappiness with garbage on the trails, plus people (not necessarily RTA members) ignoring restrictions during hunting season, we have had another landowner withdraw permission for us to cross their property. The new route is shown first, with the image of the old route below. Basically it means that hiking will be along Big Rideau North Shore Rd between RT 08D and RT 08F. Map 8 has been updated to show the new route. https://www.rideautrail.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Map08_Mar_2023-1-pdf-300×232.jpg

    Below is the image of the old route, followed by the image of the new route.

    Old Route
    New route

  • Trail Reroute

    Map 8


    The route through private property between 08A on North Shore Rd and 08B on Narrows Lock Road is closed effective immediately Oct 23, 2022) and will remain closed until Jan 1, 2023.  The landowner has requested that the trail in this area be closed for the entire hunting season.  Do not go through this area during the stated time period as: a. you might get hurt, b. you could be charged with trespassing, and c. we may lose permission to use this part of the trail permanently.  A diagram is included to help identify the area that is closed.

  • Pedestrian Bridge Closed

    Map 19


    The pedestrian bridge at Mud Lake will be closed until the spring of 2023. As part of a two-phase plan, the National Capital Commission (NCC) plans to improve the trail while providing a newer accessible bridge for residents in the Mud Lake Conservation area. According to the NCC’s website, the Mud Lake conservation area was affected by the floods in both 2017 and 2019, and they plan to rehabilitate a section of the trail on the southeast section of Mud Lake, which will start in the spring of 2023.

  • Reroute of trail

    Map 4


    For safety reasons, there has been a minor reroute of the trail just North of 4A, and signage is in place.  The area involved is shown in the image below.  The old trail was along the edge of a steep drop and has been deemed too dangerous for general use.  The main trail is still in the woods, but has has been moved higher up to a more safe location.  The blue trail in that area remains unchanged. The trail change is such that it would barely be noticeable on a map.  However, this alert has been placed to remind everyone to follow the RTA blazes in that area.  Please do not just follow your app across the old trail as it can be quite dangerous.


  • Trail Routed

    Map 14


    The main trail has been rerouted between Dwyer Hill Rd and Paden Road.  This route does come very close to the Stone Steps on the West side of the creek.  It is still possible to take a Blue Rte from Donnelly Drive North to the Stone Steps on the East side of the creek (the old main trail) and then to come back the to Donnelly Rd on the same route.  The new map has been posted to the maps page and is also linked below.

  • Route Bypass

    Map 9


    A bypass to the beaver dam that is located between RT 09E and RT10A (just North of the Mica Mines boundary, closer to RT09E) has been built by Central Club and all the signage is now up.

  • Unusable Boardwalk

    Map 01


    The area around the wetlands, with the extensive area of boardwalks, is  not usable.  The boardwalks are in very poor condition and not considered safe.  Discussions have been initiated with CRCA and the City of Kingston for a long term fix, but there is no expectation of a quick fix.  Accordingly the modified route has been marked with main trail orange blazes and is now the Main Trail.  Map 1 has been amended and the newer one is available on the Maps page.  The RT kml and gpx files have also been updated.

  • Skycroft Access Parking


    Map 05 , Map 06


    Where to park when wishing to hike the Skycroft Access Trail is always an issue.  RT maps (both map 05 and 06) indicate that there is some parking available.  There is very limited, three-season-only, parking on the North side of Opinicon Rd, right at the official entrance of the trail (at best, 3 vehicles from the same group).  The problem is that the area South of Opinicon Rd belongs to Skycroft Campground Resort.  The access to their property from Opinicon Rd is Split Rail Lane (opposite an unofficial entrance into Skycroft Access Trail).  The Skycroft Campground Resort owners have made it clear that NO PARKING IS AUTHORIZED that blocks the Split Rail Lane, or on any part of their property that is South of Opinicon Road. An image is below to assist with understanding.  If there are any questions please contact trailcoordinator@rideautrail.org

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